Sou a Scarlett Johansson!!!

De acordo com um teste que efectuei no a blockbuster babe com a qual mais me pareço é a Scarlettzinha. Ora leiam lá:
You’re Scarlett Johansson!
With a figure that demands attention and an alluring personality to match, you’re best paired with sultry young siren Scarlett Johansson. In life, your roles tend to lean toward the kind of intellectual pursuits and penchant for privacy that makes you intriguing and a perfect pick for moody indie films.
With a figure that demands attention and an alluring personality to match, you’re best paired with sultry young siren Scarlett Johansson. In life, your roles tend to lean toward the kind of intellectual pursuits and penchant for privacy that makes you intriguing and a perfect pick for moody indie films.
São testes deste que fazem bem ao eguito. ;)
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