sábado, janeiro 29, 2005

'Duas de Letra' Inteiramente Dedicadas ao "Dead Parrot" dos Monty Python

Seguramente um dos dez melhores sketches...

Não só dos Monty Python como também...

da História Universal do Sketch.

Wake Up Little Polly
(Wake Up Little Suzie)

Wake up Little Polly, wake up
Wake up little Polly, wake up

This sketch is rather quite silly
Like a film called «Kill Billy»
The sketch is over, (tea time) it’s five o’clock
And you’re in trouble deep
Wake up little Polly, Wake up little Polly

Well, what would think the neighbours?
What would think the viewers?
What shall we tell our fans when they say “Jolly good!”
Wake up little Polly, Wake up little Polly

Well the «miss» said you were asleep
Well, Polly baby, you look jolly stiff
Wake little Polly, wake up little Polly
I shall go home

Wake up little Polly, wake up!
Wake up little Polly, wake up!

The weather wasn’t so hot
But the sketch has a silly plot
You’re not asleep, stiff as stick
It looks like you’ve been shot
Wake up little Polly, wake up little Polly

Well, what about being trade by a slug
What about let you fall on the rug
What shall I do with an Ex-Parrot Ooh-la-la
Wake up little Polly, wake up little Polly
Wake up little Polly

29 . I . 2005

Copyrighted to: Maria Inês Ramos 2005 © All Rights Reserved.
this is where i draw the line
the thin red line
Norwegian Blue

(Norwegian Wood)

I once had a parrot or should I say
He would had me
He showed me his doom
Isn’t it sad, Norwegian Blue?

He seemed to be clay
And he could stand up anywhere
So I looked around
And I noticed it wasn’t fair

I went to the pet shop bidding my time
Complained and whined
We talked until two and the lad said
«Well… I have a slug…»

He told me he wanted be lumberjack
(That would be O.K.), started to laugh
I told him I didn’t
And he crawled off to fetch an hatch

Polly didn’t awoke, I was alone
This bird had flown
So I lit a joint
Isn’t it good Norwegian Blue?

“I’m pining to see the fjords.” - Polly, «The Ex-Parrot» aka «The Non-Parrot» aka «The Parrot who pulled down the curtain and joined the invisible choir...»

29. I . 2005

Copyrighted to: Maria Inês Ramos 2005 © All Rights Reserved.


Blogger eduardo disse...

Bom dia, Inês. Cá estou eu a vir-te ao blog.
Já me alegrei por aqui um bocadinho. Não pode ser muito por causa do colesterol, mas deu para anotar que vou passar mais vezes.
Bom fim de semana.

ps - Ó rapariga, na foto lá de baixo não me favoreceste muito, pois não? Os azulejos são lindos.


11:31 da manhã  
Blogger Inês Ramos disse...

Sergy... Tu ó, oupa ver o «sketch» antes que eu me zangue contigo... Este «sketch» É TÃO BOM, TÃO BOM, TÃO BOM que não só devia ser visto por toda a gente como devia ser obrigatório nas escolas!

Eduardo, vou considerar o facto da foto publicada com a tua excelsa pessoa ao lado de brancolejos (para ser azulejos tinham que ser azuis)não te ter favorecido e vou publicar mais fotos tua e dos nossos amigos da rambóia que foi no Rolls! 'Bora lá! "Stay cool" e olha que eu também te vou ir ao blog!

9:11 da tarde  

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