quinta-feira, dezembro 29, 2005

Apresento-vos o Mais Novo Membro da Família:

O... Tarantino!

quarta-feira, dezembro 28, 2005

Pipoca: Descansa Eternamente, Pequenina!


Os Melhores e Piores 10 Filmes Vistos por Mim em 2005


1 - Sin City
2 - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
3 - Tim Burton's Corpse Bride
4 - Ferro 3
5 - The Constant Gardner
6 - Wallace & Gromit - The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
7 - The Jacket
8 - Million Dollar Baby
9 - Flightplan
10 - Howl's Moving Castle


1 - 9 Songs
2 - Last Days
3 - Alone in the Dark
4 - House of Wax
5 - Sky High
6 - The Longest Yard
7 - The Amytiville Horror
8 - Bewitched
9 - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
10- Kung Fu Hustle

Ramboia Jocosa Apresenta: Os 3 Álbuns Imprescindíveis de 2005

Sigur Rós - "Takk"
O último álbum da banda islandesa que canta numa língua própria chamada Hopelandish.

Antony and the Johnsons - "I Am a Bird, Now"
Anthony continua a deslumbrar-nos com as suas canções intimistas e plenas de sentimento.

Arcade Fire - "Funeral"
Sem sombra de dúvidas, o álbum que todos têm e todos devem ter ainda este ano.

terça-feira, dezembro 27, 2005

Querem ver que estes Dois fazem Compras na Mesma Loja de Roupa!?

Annoying Thing


domingo, dezembro 25, 2005

A Rambóia Jocosa Recomenda:

sábado, dezembro 24, 2005

Adenda da Paula ao Pensamento de Guzman

A música eleva-nos o corpo e a alma até certas alturas. E o elevador também.
Já a música de elevador tem o efeito oposto.

sexta-feira, dezembro 23, 2005

Porto Fo*ido

Quem vem e atravessa a rua
Junto à Câmara Municipal
vê as obras e amua
porque algo está muito mal

Quem a viu e quem a vê
delapidada a avenida
Esburacada até à CMP
a cidade toda parida.

Destruídas as calçadas
da Avenida e da Praça
por máquinas sujas e gastas
a cidade cinza e baça.

Com um ar tóxico e poluído
poeirento e irrespirável
O passeio todo fo*ido
apocalíptico e inviável

Ver-te assim mal-tratada
no teu lindo pavimento
dão-te cabo da fachada
Sem nenhum ressentimento

Há sempre uma surdez
Por mais que me manifeste
De quem tem poder e altivez
E não se importa que eu proteste...

Inês Ramos - 2005

Aliados pelos Aliados

No sentido de preservar a memória da cidade do Porto e de preservar o nosso património, associações cívicas e cidadãos juntaram-se para suspender as obras que decorrem na Avenida dos Aliados e Praça da Liberdade através de uma acção judicial.
Caso concorde com a causa e esteja interessado em comparticipar nas despesas deste processo leia por favor o resto da mensagem. Agradecíamos ainda a divulgação do seu conteúdo.
Deu entrada na segunda-feira, 12 de Dezembro, no Tribunal Administrativo e Fiscal do Porto, uma acção popular, animada pelas associações APRIL, Campo Aberto e GAIA e contra a Metro do Porto e o IPPAR, com vista a suster, enquanto é tempo, a destruição em curso do conjunto Avenida dos Aliados e Praça da Liberdade. Iniciadas em Abril, e depois interrompidas durante meses, as obras foram retomadas na última semana de Novembro, com o arranque da calçada portuguesa e a eliminação dos canteiros, tanto na placa central da Avenida como na própria Praça da Liberdade. Desde o início do processo, em Março de 2005, que vários cidadãos e associações cívicas têm tentado travar esta desastrosa e cinzenta "requalificação": ora promovendo abaixo-assinados e reuniões públicas, ora animando um fórum de discussão na internet (http://avenida-dos-aliados-porto.blogspot.com), ora escrevendo a numerosas entidades (Presidente da Câmara do Porto, Provedor de Justiça, Comissário Europeu do Ambiente, Assembleia da República, IPPAR, Ministro das Obras Públicas, Ministro do Ambiente, Inspecção-Geral do Ambiente). Os argumentos por nós esgrimidos são de duas ordens: afectiva, pois o bom senso recomenda que não se mexa no espaço público mais emblemático da cidade à revelia dos cidadãos; legal, alertando, fundamentadamente, para as graves violações da lei que minam todo o processo. Embora as nossas razões nunca tenham sido cabalmente rebatidas, a verdade é que, com a honrosa excepção da Assembleia da República através da Comissão Parlamentar de Educação, Ciência e Cultura, as várias entidades interpeladas se vêm enredando, voluntariamente ou não, num arrastado jogo do empurra que ameaça retirar qualquer efeito prático às conclusões a que venham a chegar. Face ainda à surdez intransigente dos projectistas e demais responsáveis, a via judicial é o nosso último recurso para salvar a Avenida dos Aliados e a Praça da Liberdade. É o último, mas não é um recurso desesperado: os nossos argumentos são fortes e há bons motivos para estarmos optimistas. [Pode consultar-se um resumo dos principais pontos da acção judicial em http://avenida-dos-aliados-porto.blogspot.com/2005/12/nos-jornais-futuro-da-obra-nos-aliados.html]
Se pretende juntar a sua voz à nossa e ajudar a preservar a memória da cidade, integre este Movimento e contribua financeiramente para os custos desta acção judicial. As associações não vivem no desafogo financeiro e o dispêndio inicial foi de cerca de 2000 euros. As doações, no mínimo de 5 euros por razões burocráticas, podem ser feitas por transferência bancária para a conta da Campo Aberto ou por cheque à ordem da Campo Aberto. - Dados para a transferência bancária: conta CGD nº 0730035756103 / NIB 003507300003575610354 Enviar mensagem para aliados@campoaberto.pt (ou para o endereço postal da Campo Aberto) indicando a sua morada, o montante transferido e a data da transferência.
NOTA: caso opte por transferência on-line por favor escreva "Aliados" no campo de referência. - Os cheques devem ser enviados para:
Campo Aberto Apartado 5052 4018-001 Porto
A todos os doadores será entregue recibo e garantida informação atempada sobre as decisões judiciais deste caso desde que nos seja facultado um endereço de correio electrónico ou uma morada postal. Para assegurar toda a transparência deste processo, e a menos de pedido em contrário, divulgaremos publicamente os nomes dos doadores e os montantes doados no blogue http://avenida-dos-aliados-porto.blogspot.com/.
Obrigado pela sua atenção.
- Nuno Quental (Campo Aberto)

quarta-feira, dezembro 21, 2005

Se Estiverem em Lisboa, a Erre Jota Recomenda:

sábado, dezembro 17, 2005

"Let It Be Snow"

Eat my shorts, cheesy Richard!!!

When I find myself in times of trouble and the weather outside is frightful
Mother Mary comes to me by the fire so delightful
Speaking words of wisdom and since we've no place to go
Let it be snow, let it be snow

And in my hour of darkness it doesn't show signs of stopping
She is standing right in front of me and I've bought some corn for popping
Speaking words of wisdom the lights are turned way down low
Let it be snow, let it be snow

Let it be snow, let it be snow
Let it be snow, let it be snow
Whispering words of wisdom
Let it be snow

And when the broken hearted people finally kiss goodnight
and living in this world agree how hateful is going out in the storm!
There will be an answer if you'll really hold me tight
Let it be snow all the way home, I'll be warm
Let it be snow, let it be snow

For though we may be parted and the fire slowly dying
Still a chance that we will see, my dear, we're still goodbying
There will be an answer as long as you love me so
Let it be snow, let it be snow

Let it be snow, let it be snow
yeah, there will be an answer as long as you love me so
Let it be snow

Let it be snow, let it be snow
Let it be snow, let it be snow
Whispering words of wisdom
Let it be snow

Let it be snow, let it be snow
Let it be snow, let it be snow
Whispering words of wisdom
Let it be snow

And when the night is cloudy we finally kiss goodnight
There is still a light that shines on me going out in the storm!
Shine until tomorrow if you'll really hold me tight
Let it be snow

I wake up to the sound of music but the weather outside is frightful
Mother Mary comes to me by the fire so delightful
Speaking words of wisdom since we've no place to go

Let it be snow! Let it be snow! Let it be snow!

Por: Inês Ramos - 2005

quinta-feira, dezembro 15, 2005

Em Breve, Vai ser Respondida a Pergunta que Todos os Portugueses Querem Ver Respondida:

Quem matou o António?

quarta-feira, dezembro 14, 2005

A Propósito de Homenagens em "Blogs" a Grandes Vultos que Faleceram

Já não há pachorra para tanta lamechice elegíaca edulcorada.
Mas já agora...
Aproveito o tom funebre para anunciar:


Mais Relatividade!

segunda-feira, dezembro 12, 2005

Adenda da Paula ao Pensamento do Dia de Márcio

As amizades são como as televisões: as antigas são a preto e branco; as recentes são coloridas. As mais sofisticadas são ntsc e pal, 16:9, têm ecrã de plasma LCD3, possuem alta-definição e estão equipadas com sistema de som de 5.1 canais dolby surround...

"I Have a Right Brain"

A Tickle diz que o lado que domina o meu cérebro é o lado direito.

Most right-brained people like you are flexible in many realms of their lives. Whether picking up on the nuances of musical concerto, appreciating the subtle details in a work of art, or seeing the world from a different perspective, right-brained people are creative, imaginative, and attuned to their surroundings. People probably see your thinking process as boundless, and that might translate to your physical surroundings as well.
Some people think of you as messier than others. It's not that you're disorganized, it's just that you might use different systems to organize (by theme, by subject, by color). Straight alphabetization and rigidly ordered folders are not typical of right-brained behavior.
You are also more intuitive than many. When it comes to reading literature, you probably prefer creative writing or fiction over nonfiction. And when it comes to doing math, you might find you enjoy geometry more than other forms like algebra.
Typically, right-brained individuals like you are creative, imaginative, and particularly attuned to their surroundings, whether catching the nuances of music, discerning artistic elements, or noticing spatial relationships between different forms. We know this because researchers notice increased activity in the right hemisphere of the brain in individuals hooked up to monitors when they play music or ask them to complete a task involving spatial relationships.
In addition to isolating the ways in which your brain processes information, your right brain also controls the left side of your body. If you are strongly right-brained, you will find that your natural tendency is to be left-handed — though with some skills, you may find that you are right-handed if a right-handed person taught you how to complete a certain task. (ed. -TRUE!!!)
You probably have a willingness to entertain experimental treatments and Eastern philosophies more so than others. This is in part because those philosophies mesh with the right brain's strength — taking things in as a whole instead of focusing on the daily minutia.
Though thinking logically might be something you have to do sometimes, you are also good at stream of consciousness thinking and making tangential jumps in logic or reasoning.
For the most part, you think more in terms of symbolism and abstraction instead of things that are more practical and straightforward. You are also likely to look at the whole of a situation instead of seeing it as a series of component parts. You probably tend to be more subjective than objective, allowing for context to color how you interpret a given situation. For you, there are likely very few definites in life, other than the fact that there is almost always more than one way to accomplish and think about things.
That's how your brain processes information. And while your dominant brain hemisphere certainly contributes to the way you process information, there is also a style of learning, unrelated to your dominant hemisphere, that determines the ways in which you are best able to pick up information. When you're learning something new, your dominant brain hemisphere will want to take over. But there are times when the information being presented is not well suited to your dominant hemisphere's abilities.
That's why, in addition to your hemispheric dominance, you also have a style of learning that is dominant for you. Whether you know it or not, you are naturally predisposed to learning things visually, aurally, or through a combination of the two.
Your test results show that you are an auditory learner.
Other right-brained people who are auditory learners are musician George Harrison (ed. - Yesss!), talk-show host Oprah Winfrey, and President of the United States George W. Bush (ed. - That can't be good...) But before delving deeper into how you learn, you should get the basics of your brain's physiology.
The Physiology of the Brain
Your brain is made up of many different parts and is responsible for many different functions of your body. Because of this, it has adapted to be a very specialized organ. There are parts that control what you taste, what you feel, how you learn, how you think, and how you reason. All of this is so no one part gets overtaxed or worn out, and also so you can perform more than one task at a time.
Your brain stem controls your reflexes and involuntary functions such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion. Your cerebellum helps coordinate movement. Your hypothalamus controls body temperature and feeds behaviors like eating, drinking, aggression, and physical pleasure. Your cerebrum, or cerebral cortex, translates information transmitted from all of your sensing organs. It helps start motor functions, it controls emotions, and it is the center for all thinking, reasoning, learning, and memory. In short, it analyzes all information you feed to it.
The cerebral cortex is divided into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere is responsible for speech, controls the right side of your body, and serves as your logic and reasoning center. The right hemisphere governs your creativity and your athleticism among other things. In the past, people oversimplified this relationship.
People used to say if you were logical, you were definitely left-brained, and if you were creative, you were definitely right-brained. This is no longer the case. New research indicates that there's more flexibility when it comes to our gray matter. And if you know where your strengths and weaknesses lie, you can train your brain to become more organized, creative, or better able to process all sorts of information. Here's some general information on the differences between the left and right hemispheres.
Left Hemisphere
There's more to your left hemisphere than analytical strength. Your left hemisphere is involved in linear analytical processes, including processing word meanings and symbols, interpreting facts, and much of your language production and reception. When you look at a photograph or a painting, your left hemisphere is the one that orients on the logical, linear, and literal action in the picture, such as the storyline or the characters in the picture, as opposed to the more abstract or conceptual elements. Furthermore, when you hear a word, it is the left side that decodes that word's meaning, as opposed to something that word might remind you of. Overall, the left hemisphere is heavily involved in more reductionistic processes, such as breaking a picture into its constituent parts, as opposed to seeing it as a single and unified whole.
Right Hemisphere
Similarly, the right hemisphere is not just the seat of intuition. Perhaps it is more intuitively oriented than the left, but in most cases it also identifies patterns and performs spatial analyses. This hemisphere tends to process information in non-linear ways, looking at the whole instead of all the parts that make it up.When you look at a photograph or painting and notice the overall pattern or abstract contour of the image, it is your right hemisphere that is being activated. As another example, the right side looks at a spiral and sees a unified spiral pattern. Whereas the left side of your brain would see the series of lines making up the spiral and would interpret it in a holistic manner.
Take Action
Strengthening the left hemisphere: making the details count
A strong left hemisphere gives one the ability to view a project, a problem, or a situation in an up-close, detailed, and linear way. In order to do so, it requires being able to get very involved in what you are doing, temporarily not paying explicit immediate attention to anything else in your life that may have to get done.
Make lists
One method of getting into the details is to outline what must be done. Converting something that seems like a giant, singular task into a series of smaller, bite-size chunks is an excellent way to not only engage one's left hemisphere, but also to overcome apparently impossible hurdles. It is important to remember that projects do not get done by themselves, but rather through slow and bit-by-bit progress, getting through what must be done.
Learn to consciously relax
If your goal is to change the way you use your mind, then you are necessarily going to have to change the way you use your entire body. Before trying to get anything done, get yourself into a comfortable but unfamiliar frame of mind by doing something different with your body. Go for a walk, water some plants, make tea, do some exercise — anything that involves moving your body, and not just sitting and stewing over what you have to accomplish.
While working, continue checking in with your body's relative level of tension or relaxation. A tense body leads to a tense mind, and a tense mind thinks in its old ways — how it is used to thinking. Verbalization after long periods of silence can also snap you out of your familiar funk — go someplace where you can stretch your mouth, vocal chords, and body, and stretch on out. The more physically flexible you focus upon being, the more mental flexibility you will find yourself capable of.
Pay attention to details
While out walking — to your car, the bus, work, or what have you — be sure to notice the details surrounding you. Where are you? The left hemisphere is all about details and linear thinking. Connect yourself to your immediate environment; are there flowers growing nearby? Is anyone walking their dog? Are other people smiling? There are many other things going on in the world while you are lost in thought or concerned about the presentation you have to give.
Another way to focus your mind upon details is to engage in mental gymnastics, such as trying to think of every prime number between 1 and 100 (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11...). Such a process will get you to pay attention to the minute details since the focus of such an exercise is upon each and every individual number between 1 and 100. Alternately, you could recite the alphabet backwards, or count to 20 by adding 2 to each number and then subtracting 1, all the way (1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6...). These sorts of mental exercises take familiar sequences of information — numbers, letters or what have you - and have you relate to them in an unfamiliar way, thereby ensuring that you see each element as distinct and individual.
Change your immediate environmentAnother way of focusing upon details is changing something in your immediate environment. If you work from home, rearrange the room where you work. If you work elsewhere, try to beautify your workspace with little details that make you feel at ease. Add plants or something else that you find calming and enjoyable. You may not know it, but work and living space hugely affects the way you do things. Changing where you are offers you the opportunity to change how you think, as your mind will not have its familiar environment to cue it into its old ways of doing things.
Your world is made up of a wide variety of tiny, not-so-insignificant details. Strengthening the left hemisphere is all about focusing upon these details.
Strengthening the right hemisphere: don't drown in the details
A strong right hemisphere, on the other hand, offers one the ability to zoom out and see the bigger picture. When you're drowning in the details, it is this ability to zoom out that will be your saving grace.
Again, learn to consciously relax
You will never be able to change your own mind until you can reliably learn to relax. Changing the way you think is no overnight process; it requires constant attention. Getting yourself into a relaxed state will make your mind more receptive to change, and thus you will find it much easier to cognitively re-train yourself. The suggestions for relaxation in the section on strengthening your left hemisphere apply here as well. Do yoga, go running, go for a walk, or even just stand up and do five minutes of stretching. Using caffeine is not highly recommended, since stimulants — especially coffee — actually end up making the muscles in your body tense up and your blood pressure slowly rise over the course of the day. Have your cup of coffee in the morning if you enjoy it, but try to drink plenty of water over the course of the day, as well. If you keep good fluids moving through your body, then your body will remain active and attentive throughout the day.
Keep the bigger picture in mind
When working through a problem, you are necessarily going to be dealing with a series of tiny details. Alternately, we have all, at one time or another, felt like a cog in a giant machine. The reality is that everyone has an important job to do, and everyone fits into the greater scheme in some way — but we all have a responsibility to realize how we fit in and to take an active role in that process. This is true regardless of whether we are discussing one project, someone's life at work in general, or someone's life as a whole.
Creative visualizations can help you in this process. Meditation is an excellent way to learn to view the world in a more holistic manner. Find a quiet, dimly lit room — preferably with no music on, but if you prefer feel free to put on something soft and soothing — and sit in a comfortable cross-legged or reclining position. Close your eyes, and just lie there, paying attention to your slow, smooth breathing for about twenty minutes. Do not get discouraged by the many thoughts bubbling up as you sit or lie there; that is perfectly normal. The longer your stay still, the longer the periods of mental silence will become. Allow thoughts to bubble up and wander away; simply pay attention. Let happen whatever happens. Slowly, your focus will shift to a unified whole, seeing yourself in the full context in which you are actually currently existing.
There are a wide variety of meditation techniques, and you might find it useful to study up on it in order to find the technique most suited to your taste and personality. Just remember that the point is to quiet the mind, since the mind's chatter is most likely the primary thing keeping you from holistically focusing on the world around you at any given time.
The right hemisphere's abilities are strengthened by allowing the right brain to flex itself. Your conscious mind needs to learn to allow your spatial and holistic, much more unconscious, right brain mind to do its work. Meditating and quieting the chatter in your mind is one reliable road to right hemispheric strength.
Attempt spatial rotation tasks
The right hemisphere is heavily involved in spatial tasks, as well as in holistic vision. Even games like Tetris can help strengthen our abilities to move objects around in space. Learn to imagine objects moving — perhaps while meditating — and see if you can imagine them rotating, so that you can see all sides of the object in question. Try this with simple objects, such as pieces of chalk or pencils at first. If you find it easy, move on to more complex objects, such as plates, tires, or glasses. See how long you can hold a clear image of an object in your mind. The meditative techniques described above can also help to improve these visualization abilities.
Learn to trust your mind
The bottom line about the right hemisphere is that, if you find yourself weak in right hemispheric abilities, it is probably because you have not learned to allow your right hemisphere to do its work. This is not to say that your right hemisphere does not function correctly — it is more likely that many of us are afraid of doing math because we became frightened off of it at a young age and never were encouraged to go back to it. Your mind has amazing abilities. The human brain is one of the most amazing and complex organs in nature. Learning to view the world in holistic, right brain ways is not necessarily easy, but it is very possible and can even ultimately be a relaxing and enjoyable process.
Learning Styles
We are all different, and that applies to how we learn information, as well. Research has found that the two major categories of learners, are those who learn best in visual ways and those who work better in auditory ways. Your learning style is determined primarily by your brain — whether it relies more on your eyes or your ears to comprehend new data. Those who respond better to what they see are visual learners. Those who respond better to what they hear are auditory learners. Those who are equally as good at interpreting data that they see and hear are known as “balanced” learners. Balanced learners will recognize aspects of what they're good at in both the visual and auditory learning style descriptions.Of course, everyone relies on their eyes at some times and their ears at others. But when faced with new information, the majority of people fall back on their dominant learning style. And as more is being studied about learning styles, some substyles are being identified, such as kinesthetic, the learning style that relies on learning by doing.
Visual learners focus on information their eyes pick up when trying to learn new information. They learn best when they rely on visual patterns because they prefer to “see” what they are learning more than “hear” what they are learning. They respond well to symbols, written words, images, diagrams, and photos. For this reason, they probably like to have a pen and paper around to take notes, to doodle in a meeting, or to try to synthesize other data. Drawings and pictorial representations often support the information they are receiving aurally and ultimately are what might anchor their knowledge to a given subject. Even if visual learners have printed material in front of them, they still might wish to take additional notes, to add marks to the paper in order to feel they are learning what they need to.
It's likely that visual learners prefer to write a phone number down and try to memorize the numbers on a page or the pattern they create when dialing instead of listening to the number and repeating it. They remember by writing things down and communicate well in this mode. Visual learners are often better at getting their points across through the written, more than the spoken word. This isn't to say they don't ever rely on their ears instead of their eyes. Of course there are numerous instances, which call for them to do so. All this really means is that they're predisposed to learning through their sight.
About 65% of people are visual learners.
Auditory learners tend to focus on auditory stimuli — things that they hear — when learning new information. They probably get a lot out of lectures and are able to process speeches quickly and accurately. In fact, readings might not make as much sense to them until they've heard a supporting lecture to emphasize the written word and they're more likely to listen to a lecture first and then take notes once they've processed the information.
Auditory learners probably prefer to speak someone's phone number out loud to memorize it than bother with writing it on a piece of paper they're going to lose anyway. They remember things by repeating them and probably prefer hearing instructions instead of wading through a written set of rules and directions. Auditory learners are better at making their points through talking rather than writing. This isn't to say they don't ever rely on their eyes instead of their ears. Of course there are numerous instances, which call for them to do so. All this really means is that they're predisposed to learning through hearing. This in part is what makes most auditory learners strong communicators, adept at socializing and communicating in face-to-face situations.
About 30% of people are auditory learners.
Kinesthetic learners tend to make choices based on touch and movement through space. They tend to learn best by imitation and practice. While kinesthetic is acknowledged as a viable type of learning, it has yet to be examined as extensively as auditory and visual learning. That said, it is an important style for you to understand as it is certain to gain more recognition beyond the educational community in years to come.Most of us are predominantly kinesthetic learners as fairly young children. We then develop into visual or auditory learners as our nervous systems develop and grow over the course of our lifespans. It is thought that kinesthetic learners make up around 5% of the adult population. We do not delve further into the kinesthetic type in this test, but stay tuned for the Tickle Learning Style test, coming soon!
About 5% of people are kinesthetic learners.
What these Differences Mean for You
As a predominantly auditory learner, you likely find aural stimuli much more compelling and comprehensible than visual stimuli. To varying degrees, visual learners tend to feel that if they can't hear it, then they won't be able to properly synthesize it. You might feel a tenuous hold on information that is not presented aurally. You might even attempt to turn visual information into a aural cue you can use by speaking a reading out loud or listening to yourself go over the directions. These are the safeguards you might subconsciously take to trigger your memory on the subject at hand. The flip side is that you are likely to feel quite confident when information is presented to you aurally. In fact, you are likely to feel more capable of grasping higher-level concepts that are presented through verbal words or sounds than simpler concepts that are presented in written signs.To varying degrees, auditory learners tend to feel that if they hear it, then it might as well have not happened — that's how shallowly the information is going to be processed if it is not presented in sound. On the other hand, when information is presented aurally, you probably find yourself having no problem remembering it. Provided you can always control how information is presented to you, this auditory dominance is not a problem. However, our lives are complex, varied, and not entirely under our control. Hence, it behooves us all to learn to learn in different ways if we hope to continue to achieve and succeed.Auditory learning is your strong suit; view it as such, as opposed to the only way in which you can learn. Visual learning is not only another option, but it is often a necessary addition to one's cognitive landscape. Very often, there will simply not be adequate time or opportunity to have information recited to you, and instead you will have to work off of written notes or other visual cues. It is interesting to note once again that visual learners tend to be very good writers, while auditory learners tend to excel in spoken communication. If you feel you would like to broaden you auditory-based abilities, perhaps you could consider viewing the visual process as an auditory one. When you are reading something, try to hear the words being spoken — or even consider reading them aloud to yourself, if need be. If you can transform visual processes into auditory ones using similar, creative methods, then you will be able to transition your mind into a visual modality, and thereby, vastly broaden your horizons.
Take Action

Strengthening visual learning
Want to strengthen your abilities to think and learn in visual ways? There are many ways to do so. One of the most straightforward methods is simply to try learning through visual methods like those outlined below.

Expose yourself to visual sources of information
If visual thinking and learning don't come naturally to you, it's likely that you avoid situations that would require you to learn from visual stimuli. Many people lean towards learning methods they prefer, and as such, further develop their already dominant method of learning. To get your visual learning side up to speed, take notes at lectures, read books with lots of pictures in them, or use graphs and flow charts to learn — focus on strengthening your visual abilities.

Learn to communicate better through writing
Visual learners tend to be very good at written communication. If you need to speak with someone, write them an email instead of tracking them down on the phone or talking to them face-to-face. Like everything else in life, you won't get better at using your visual learning style unless you practice it. And the more you practice, the better you'll become and the more natural it will feel.Be careful that you're truly trying to learn and communicate with clear written direction. Take time to make sure your email or note makes sense, that you are clearly and fully expressing your viewpoint. Understand that people can neither hear the tone of your voice nor can they see your body language or the expression on your face. Make sure your words communicate what you need them to.

Visualize what you want to do
Athletes are trained to see themselves hitting or throwing or kicking the ball where they want it to go. If there is something you want to achieve, try to visualize yourself achieving that end, as well as the steps required to get your there. Visualization is a powerful technique, and you might be surprised to discover how much you can achieve with its help.
Take information you know and relearn it visually
Auditory learners remember information when it is said to them. In order to strengthen your visual abilities, recreate the information you have learned in visual form. If you are an auditory individual, recite the information aloud to yourself, and then write it down as you recite it. Draw pictures if possible, use meaningful symbols in your notes — anything that you can do to offer yourself visual cues. Copy it into written form, and then copy it into written form again — the more times you can process it visually, the better you will learn the information, and the better you will learn to process information visually. When trying to recall information, try to see if you can call up the image of the notes that you took. If you cannot, do not worry. In time, it will come.

Strengthening auditory learning
Want to strengthen your auditory abilities? It's as easy as simply listening and learning.

Take information you know and relearn it aurally
If you are a visual learner, take some information you already feel comfortable with and try to learn about it aurally. Find some notes, or an instruction manual, and recite it aloud to yourself. Focus on hearing the information instead of reading it. Then read it over again. The more you hear words spoken, the more you will connect to the sound of words and not simply how they look on paper.

Discuss important information or topics with others

Traditionally, auditory learners are very good at expressing themselves with the spoken word. If you're trying to improve your skills in this area, try discussing issues, events, and information with others whenever possible. If it makes you feel more comfortable, outline your perspectives and understandings on paper first. If you are a visual learner, then when someone responds to a point that you have made, try to imagine what it would look like written down, so that you may connect their spoken statement to a familiar visual cue. If possible, imagine a graph or chart that might describe the situation or problem at hand. But the bottom-line is that you have to get out there and engage people face-to-face. Sure, you have less time to think up an argument — but so do they. Face-to-face, everyone is on equal footing. Take your time in responding; there is no rush. And, most important of all, do not worry about always being right; being wrong, and making mistakes, can be the best learning experience of all. Don't give up, all it takes is practice.

Hear it
Whenever possible, try to turn some visual element into a series of words you can speak. If you see a graph, try to describe, in a few sentences, what the graph is illustrating. It will not only help you develop your auditory abilities, but you will find you will learn some aspect of the information that you may have previously ignored or missed. If you can "hear" things that you see written down, then you will be well on your way to developing your auditory abilities. The more ways we can learn, the more potential we have as human beings and as individuals. The whole point is to become as flexible and capable as possible.
History Behind the Test
This test was created using a variety of brain lateralization research, relying especially upon Dr. Roger Sperry's pioneering work in establishing the hemispheric distinctions in the brain, for which he won a Nobel Prize in 1981. Dr. Sperry discovered that the right and left hemispheres actually do have specialized functions, and that both hemispheres can even operate somewhat independently. In the early 1960s, Sperry and colleagues conducted many experiments on an epileptic patient who had had his corpus collosum, the "bridge" between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, split so that the connection between the hemispheres was severed. Eventually, his research team discovered that this patient could only perform certain activities, such as naming objects or putting blocks together in a prescribed way, when using one side of his brain or another. This research began our understanding of the hemispheric lateralization of brain function. Our test was also designed using the work of Dr. Howard Gardner of Harvard University and his theory of Multiple Intelligences, as well as the Learning Style Inventory of Jeffrey Barsch, Ed.D. Dr. Gardner's theory basically argues that there is no one basic type of intelligence, as most IQ tests would have us believe, but that, instead, there are seven intelligences, each of which is important in its own way and each of which we all have to varying degrees. The Barsch Learning Style Inventory, on the other hand, agrees that there are multiple types of intelligence, but narrows its focus to end up with the visual, auditory and kinesthetic modalities of learning as its fundamental types of intelligence.

Ausubel, D., (1968), Educational Psychology: A Cognitive View, Holt, Reinhart and Winston, New York.
Barsch, J., (1991), Barsch Learning Style Inventory, Academic Therapy Publications.
Gardner, H., (1993), Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Basic Books.
Gawain, S., Creative Visualization, (1982), Bantam Books, New York.
Hellige, J., (1993), Hemispheric Assymetry: What's Right and What's Left, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
O'Connor, J., and Seymour, J., (1995), Introducing NLP: Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People, Thorsons, Hammersmith, London.
Ornstein, R., (1997), The Right Mind: Making Sense of the hemispheres, Harcourt Brace & Company, San Diego, California.
Springer, S.P., and Deutsch, G., (1998), Left brain, Right brain: Perspective from Cognitive Neuroscience, W.H. Freeman and Company, NewYork.
Sperry, R.W., (1982), Science and Moral Priority: Merging Mind, brain and Human Values, Vol. 4 of Convergence, (Series editor Ruth Anshen), Columbia University Press, New York.
Sperry, R.W., Gazzaniga, M.S., and Bogen, J.E., (1969), Interhemispheric Relationships: The Neocortical Commissures; Syndromes of Hmisphere Disconnection, In Handbook of Clinical Neurology, P.J. Vinken and G.W. Bruyn (Eds.), North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, Vol. 4, pp. 273-290.

O teste "Rorschach" da Tickle

Como ainda estou com insónia, porque ando com o que se chama «sonos trocados» (muito conveniente em véspera de teste de Italiano, diga-se de passagem), resolvi fazer o teste de Rorschach mais ou menos legítimo e fiável da Tickle.
Eis parte dos resultados do extenso e minucioso teste que fiz. Em Inglês, pois foi só fazer copy / paste para o blog.
(Rorschach-like inkblots)
Inês, your unconscious mind is driven most by:

By having your unconscious mind driven most by Sexuality, it appears that most of the time your erotic self is leading the way. Whether this is because you're presently having a great physical relationship or simply wanting one, an awareness of sexuality and people's bodies is more lit up for you than it is for many other people. This heightened focus, coupled with your vivid imagination, can make you more likely to have original — at times risque- interpretations of things that other people might view as being rather innocent.

It's likely that you're well aware of this inclination towards sexual thoughts. You might even consider yourself something of a hedonist at heart. By being imaginative and full of life, you're probably one who keeps your days interesting and upbeat. So long as your thoughts don't interfere with your daily activities or keep you from appreciating other aspects of life, you shouldn't chide yourself for having them. Instead, appreciate yourself for your creative nature and ability to imagine your own unique visions.

Your responses to the inkblots reveal more than just what drives your unconscious mind. They also uncover some central details about your personality, perspective, and relationships with others. Your unconscious mind colors these characteristics but is different from them. Here's what your responses indicated:

Your Concept of Reality

Your concept of reality is highly similar to that of others but not an exact match. Your perceptions seem to fall in between those who create their own unique realities and those who possess more mainstream perspectives. Because you straddle that middle ground of being in agreement with others and having your own opinions of the world, you can be both a follower and a leader. You can be a follower in the sense that you probably don't have trouble going along with the group most times since others' ideas will usually seem rational to you. You can be a leader because your creative viewpoints may sometimes allow you to guide others in new directions.

The difficulty for people like you is that at times you may feel pulled between taking the popular viewpoint and accepting your own vision of what is right. Because your concept of reality is rarely off the deep end, you can generally feel confident that there's something valid in your perspectives. Even if others don't always share your views, try not to let the masses talk you out of them. There can sometimes be great value in forging your own path. Finding a healthy balance between others' ideas and your own can be key to both your relationships and success.

Take Action

Gaining confidence in the validity of your perceptions can be very valuable for types like you. When you find yourself doubting an opinion that is uniquely yours, try taking a step back to ask yourself where your uncertainty is coming from. Is it because you truly suspect that you're wrong, because others believe you are wrong, or because you're not clear on what your opinion really is? By honestly reflecting on your views, you can develop stronger convictions and feel less susceptible to others' sway.

Rather than trying to determine whether you can trust your perceptions on a case-by-case basis, over time you'll be able to develop gut instincts about the quality of your views. Here's an exercise to help you test not only what you think, but also how strongly you believe in your perceptions.

Think back to the last time you went to the grocery store. Then, take out a piece of paper and a pen and map out the layout of the grocery store as you remember it. Be as specific as possible, including details of where different food groups are located, how many aisles there are, the number of checkout lanes, and so forth. Mark those things that you are sure about with a star versus those you're just pretty sure about.

Then, on your next trip to the store, take your drawing with you and grade yourself on how accurately you depicted it. Were there certain things you got right but others you were way off on? If so, don't feel discouraged. Some people will get the number of aisles right but will misremember food locations. Others will know exactly where their favorite foods are but won't remember anything else about the store. Doing exercises like this one can help you sort out the quality of your perceptions as well as bolster your belief in yourself.

Your Mental Flexibility

This section looks as the flexibility of your opinions, values, and perspective. To determine your result, Tickle's experts examined both the fluidity of your thinking and the rigidity of your opinions.

Based on your responses, you're reasonably flexible in your thinking and opinions. As a result, when dealing with most topics, you can easily consider other people's views. However, if a conversation centers on one of your core values, you're typically more reluctant to entertain other ways of thinking. This is true for most people. After all, it's good to have strong opinions on issues of importance. These views help create a foundation for what you believe in. Naturally, your ideas can change and develop over time. But particularly in your case, it's unlikely that they'll be radically different from day to day.

Occasionally your certainty can result in missed opportunities. If you're too sure of your values, you might forego the chance to observe a different way of being. You might also fail to imagine a way of life that might actually make you happier. If you find that you are excessively defensive on certain topics, it's likely because of one of the following reasons. Either the area is something you've had extensive experience with, and therefore have personal history to base your views on. Or, your defensiveness could be covering up a deep wound or insecurity that you're afraid will be exposed if you open yourself up to a new way of thinking.

Take Action

When you find yourself behaving defensively about one of your opinions, instead of escalating the situation or shutting down, take a moment to step back and examine your beliefs. Have you formed your opinion based on sound knowledge and experience, or is it merely convenient for you to think that way? At times, you might be surprised to find that fear or even simple laziness is at the root of some of your views. When trying to uncover what is really bothering you about having your viewpoint questioned, ask yourself: "What would be so bad if my opinion were wrong?" In finding out what you have to lose by changing your opinion you can come to some deep understanding about your true values and motivations.

You Level of Fantasy

Some people fantasize nearly nonstop, others rarely do, and the majority of people fall somewhere in between. Imagination and the ability to create alternate realities are the two factors that determine whether or not a person is capable of having a highly colorful fantasy life. However, not everyone who can fantasize does. For example, if two strangers who were both capable of fantasizing were sitting next to one another on a bus, one might still spend the whole ride thinking about paying their bills and formulating their next to-do list, while the other could be envisioning taking a siesta on a tropical island. For Tickle's Inblot Test, having a high level of fantasy involves both having the mental tools necessary to fantasize and putting them to use.

Being prone to fantasy can be thought of as a spectacular gift. Fantasy can give one the ability to create a made-up world much more captivating and pleasurable than the usual day-to-day realities. This can be a wonderful asset as you go though life - a free form of entertainment that you can use any time.

Some people look at those who are fantasy prone in a derogatory way. They feel that the more realistically a person thinks, the saner they are. Indeed, most definitions of "abnormal" refer to what is "unusual" or "not frequent". Clinical experts sometimes look at fantasy as a means of trying to escape reality, rather that face what's there.

Regardless of how one feels about fantasy, its value is heavily dependent on how it's used. If you use fantasy to visualize improvements in your life without ignoring important realities, then fantasy can be a useful talent. It can help you maintain your optimism and even to devise novel solutions to your problems. However, if fantasy is something you retreat into as a way of denying reality, then you might want to reconsider your use of it.

Tickle's experts found that you can be highly prone to fantasizing. This doesn't suggest that you aren't in the real world. Your ability to see things clearly may be completely unencumbered by your tendency toward fantasy. It all depends on how you use your ability. Your answers indicate that you're able to use fantasy in a way that makes your world more vibrant and imaginative than it is for most people. Just be wary of keeping one eye on how things really are, particularly when they're not as you'd like them to be.

Fantasy is a technique frequently employed by people living under harsh conditions in order to ease their stress. In this way, imagination can be a vital tool for prison inmates who live in depressing, restrictive conditions day in and day out. Using the power of fantasy can also be a profound relief for people living in poverty and in war zones. In fact, there are many people who live in adverse situations or deal with other painful circumstances that could benefit from occasional relief through fantasy.

Fantasy only becomes a problem when you ignore something you need to deal with because you have the ability to fantasize it away. For example, imagine you have a problem with an aunt of yours. Perhaps this aunt says something that upsets you almost every time you talk with her. As a result, after a while you stop listening to her in favor of pretending that you're someplace else entirely. The fantasy you create for yourself might be more exciting - and far less annoying, but it doesn't change this detrimental pattern between you and your aunt. A better response might be to put your fantasies aside for a while to address your aunt's poor communication style head-on.

At it's worst, fantasy can keep you from making important lifestyle choices. For instance, if you fantasize that you have boundless energy and are a wonderful athlete, and in the meantime sit on your couch eating potato chips and playing video games, there will eventually come a time where you won't be able to deny what is really happening to your body and you will have to tend to the reality of your deteriorating health. However, there's no reason that you have to let fantasy affect you in these negative ways. So long as you pay attention to the aspects of your life that need addressing, like your health or your career, you should be able to use fantasy and creative visualizations to bolster your happiness and success, not impede them.

How you relate to others

Your relationships are complex things. One important aspect affecting all of them is the role that you play when interacting with others. Do you typically take an active approach when dealing with the people around you, or do you tend to behave more passively? According to your test responses, you appear to have a balanced approach to interacting. You're not consistently the one who is active or passive. This mixed pattern indicates that, relative to other people, you try to either be sensitive to the needs of a particular situation or the people with whom you're dealing. By being able to adjust your approach depending on how the others are behaving, you can handle most situations with ease. Your friends may see you as a great listener or a savvy communicator because of your gift for reading people.

The overall effect of this balanced approach is that you have more options available to you when it comes to your communication style. The possible downside to this fact is that certain individuals with a balanced approach can get confused about which approach feels most natural to them — not just to the situation. While flexibility is a good thing, if you behave solely according to what's going on around you, it can wear on your sense of self.

Another difficulty you may find yourself running up against is that your balanced style may seem like inconsistency to other people. For example, if one day you take the lead in a group and the next day you choose to follow, this transition can be unsettling to those around you. Also when you're dealing with someone who is also balanced in their approach, your relationship can become an elaborate dance where each of you is trying to figure out who's taking charge. If you find yourself in a situation like this one, consider making your style more consistent — whether active or passive — in order to avoid potential confusion.

History Behind the Test

Hermann Rorschach is the most well known clinician to have worked with inkblots in a clinical setting, but he was not the first. Psychologists have been using inkblots to make inferences about personality since the 1850s.

During Rorschach's work in the early 1900s, he noticed that certain types of patients responded to inkblots in similar ways. Through years of empirical testing, Rorschach was able to determine patterns between how people responded to the inkblots and certain personality traits. For more than a decade, Rorschach continued to develop his theories and the Rorschach Inkblot Test until his death in 1922.

In the years following Rorschach's death, there were several different scoring methods presented by different researchers. However, having all these different methodologies made scoring and interpretation of the test confusing. Then in the late 1960s and early 1970s, John Exner took on the formidable challenge of putting together the different systems of thought to come up with a standardized scoring methodology. Exner's work, along with the contributions of other researchers such as Weiner (see reference list below), has created a foundation for how the Rorschach is used today. A study published in 1995 confirmed that about 82% of mental health clinicians regularly use the Rorschach in their practices, indicating that use of inkblots is still alive and well.

To use the Rorschach test properly, it needs to be administered in a clinical setting where the clinician allows the subject to say whatever is on their mind. Given this is not possible to do in a widely administered online assessment, Tickle took on the challenge of using the concepts and findings of Rorschach research to create its own online Inkblot test. Tickle's Inkblot Test is designed as an online psychological instrument with strong psychometric properties of its own. One major difference between Tickle's Inkblot Test and the Rorschach Test is that Tickle developed its test to reflect the tendencies of the normal population. The Rorschach was designed to detect psychopathology, such as schizophrenia. To make the wisdom gained through Rorschach available to the public, Tickle translated it so that it is relevant to all people and simultaneously more accessible because of the ease in administration.

Tickle's test provides a modern interpretation of inkblot testing based both on years of careful clinical work, as well as on the responses of thousands of Tickle members who gave us their impressions of a series of inkblots. The methodology behind Tickle's Inkblot Test consisted of three steps:

Tickle created online inkblots and gathered open-ended feedback from thousands of users about what the inkblots meant to them.

Tickle's research team used the collected responses to develop a survey consisting of multiple-choice questions about the inkblots. The survey questions were designed based on themes that appeared in people's open-ended inkblot responses. The types of questions included those assessing patterns identified through classical theory, and by asking questions about the inkblots and correlating those questions to other information Tickle's test gathered about users' behaviors and psychological characteristics.

Tickle analyzed the survey responses to select the most reliable inkblots and questions, as well as analyzing the data to determine clusters of responses that became the different types of people the test segments. The clusters were used to give primary results at the end of the test.

In order to elaborate on what each cluster meant, Tickle's researchers looked at associations with other questions in Tickle's database. In addition, they examined the dimensions measured in traditional Rorschach methods. They then concluded which of those classic dimensions could be confirmed through empirical associations. The resulting dimensions were used to create multi-faceted descriptions of what the inkblot responses indicated.

If you're interested in learning more about the Rorschach method and inkblot testing, Tickle suggests the following resources.

Beck, S. J. (1937). Introduction to the Rorschach Method. New York: American Orthopsychiatric Association.

Exner, J. E. (1993). The Rorschach: A comprehensive system, Volume 1: Basic foundations, 3rd Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Exner, J. E. (1991). The Rorschach: A comprehensive system, Volume 2: Current Research and advanced interpretation, Second edition. New York: John Wiley.

Exner, J. E. (Ed.) (1995). Issues and methods in Rorschach research. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Hertz, M. R. (1934). The Reliability of the Rorschach inkblot test. Journal of Applied Psychology, 18, 461-77.

Hertz, M. R. (1936). The method of administration of the Rorschach Inkblot Test, Child Development, 7, 237-54.

Klopfer, B. (1937). The present status of the theoretical development of the Rorschach Method. Rorschach Research Exchange, 1, 142-47.

Piotrowski, Z. A. (1957). Perceptanalysis. New York: Macmillan.

Rapaport, D., Gill, M. & Schafer, R. (1946). Diagnostic psychological testing, Version 2. Chicago, IL: Year Book Publishers.

Rorschach, H. (1921). Psychodiagnostics. Bern, Switzerland: Bircher.

Rose, T., Kaser-Boyd, N., & Maloney, M. P. (2001). Essentials of Rorschach Assessment, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Watkins, C. E., Jr., Campbell, V. L., Nieberding, R., & Hallmark, R. (1995). Contemporary practice of psychological assessment by clinical psychologists. Professional Psychology, 26, 54-60.

Weiner, I. B. (1997). Current status of the Rorschach Inkblot Method, Journal of Personality Assessment, 68(1), 5-19.

Weiner, I. B. (1998). Principles of Rorschach interpretation. Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates.

Weiner, I. B., & Exner, J. E. (1991). Rorschach changes in long-term and short-term psychotherapy. Journal of Personality Assessment, 56, 453-465.

domingo, dezembro 11, 2005

Aniversários. Recuso-me a Homenagear...

Quer este senhor, quer este.
Para mim, foram companheiros de escola, de infância são amigos do peito da alma e estão mais vivos do que nunca!
este cavalheiro, celebrou o seu septuagésimo aniversário no passado dia 1 d Dezembro e não me coíbi de lhe dar os parabéns aqui.

A Semelhança entre o "The Killer" e a Capela Sistina por Quentin Tarantino:

Sim, sim...
Ele (Jonh Woo)
sabe escrever e realizar
um filme de acção...

quarta-feira, dezembro 07, 2005


Os Censurados, banda já extinta, merecem ficar para a história da música rock independente portuguesa como banda emblemática dos finais dos anos 80. Como qualquer banda punk que se preze, os Censurados sempre foram exemplo acabado do 'faça você mesmo'.
Foram pioneiros e inovadores, em Portugal, ao colocar num disco influências até aí circunscritas a uma subcultura. Beberam a herança dos Xutos & Pontapés e a rebeldia dos Crise Total / Kú de Judas, postulando todos os cultos e angústias de uma «lost generation». Curiosamente, na altura em que os Censurados acabavam, o punk renascia pelo mundo fora...
Em 1988, os Censurados foram fundados pelo antigo vocalista dos Kú de Judas, João Ribas, que a seu cargo tem a voz e a guitarra. A ele juntou-se o guitarrista Orlando Cohen, o ex-membro dos Peste & Sida o baterista Samuel Palitos e ainda o baixista Fred Valsassina.
Em 1990, conseguiram editar o primeiro álbum que dava pelo nome de Censurados. Álbum esse que os retirou do anonimato muito em parte graças ao single do mesmo nome.
Em 1991, sai mais um álbum desta vez intitulado Confusão, que conta com grandes músicas tais como "Kaga na Cultura", "Coxa" e "Americano Gordo" que ilustram bem as influências da banda.
Em 1993, e após vários anos de estrada, editam o álbum Sopa que conta com o single homónimo e com uma participação de Jorge Palma no tema "Estou Agarrado a Ti", para o qual emprestou a voz e escreveu a letra.
Em 1994, dá-se o fim dos Censurados. Desta feita, acabam em grande, com a participação no disco Filhos da Madrugada, um tributo a Zeca Afonso, para o qual reeditaram uma das músicas mais famosas deste cantor de intervenção intitulada "O Que Faz Falta". Este álbum vendeu mais de setenta mil unidades e contou com a participação de várias bandas como Xutos & Pontapés, GNR, Delfins e Madredeus entre muitas outras.
Em Junho é feito um concerto no Estádio de Alvalade, inserido no programa de Lisboa 1994 - Capital Europeia da Cultura. Este concerto tinha como objectivo a promoção do álbum Filhos da Madrugada. Este conseguiu ser o maior concerto de sempre dado em Portugal por bandas portuguesas num memorável palco enorme e onde se usou meios de som nunca antes ou/vistos em Portugal. Neste concerto, os Censurados tocaram "O Que faz Falta" e ainda mais dois grandes êxitos da sua carreira.
Em 1998, há uma reedição dos álbuns Censurados e Sopa, pela editora de Tim, "El Tatu" como que já a prenunciar o regresso da banda aos palcos, no ano seguinte.
Em 1999 dá-se a reaparição dos Censurados para alegria dos fãs. Reaparecem na colectânea de tributo aos Xutos & Pontapés, designada por 20 anos 20 Bandas, para a qual gravaram "Enquanto a Noite Cai" e ao contrário do que tinha sido anunciado por João Ribas, a reaparição dos Censurados não ficou limitada a uma música. Entretanto resolveram partir juntamente com os Xutos & Pontapés na tour de promoção de 20 anos 20 bandas. O ponto alto foi no Festival Sudoeste onde os Censurados tiveram um grande aceitação por parte do público.
Para grande infelicidade dos fãs, este ressurgimento dos Censurados ficou por aqui...
O que é feito dos Censurados?
Os membros dos Censurados não ficaram parados e ainda bem porque como é certo e sabido parar é morrer.
João Ribas, em 1997, funda os Tara Perdida, uma banda que tem bastante sucesso dentro do movimento punk português. Esta banda conta com dois álbuns editados e um terceiro em vista. Esta banda teve um dos seus pontos altos em Faro, com uma actuação ao lado da conceituada banda da nova vaga de punk americano, NOFX.
Samuel Palitos ingressou em bandas como os LX90 e nos Sitiados, ao lado de João Aguardela e actualmente é o baterista da banda do seu grande amigo To Trips, os Lulu Blind.
Fred Valsassina está à frente do clube de fãs dos Xutos & Pontapés e participou recentemente nas gravações do primeiro disco de Tim a solo "Olhos Meus", no qual participou também o baterista Samuel Palitos.
Orlando Cohen criou, em 1997, a banda Porta Voz, que tem um som menos punk que os Censurados, mas continua na mesma onda.
Em 2005, na terça-feira de 20 de Dezembro, o jornal Blitz vai reeditar o mítico primeiro álbum dos Censurados pela módica quantia de 7.5 euros + o jornal e eu acho que certamente será uma boa oportunidade para adquirirem esta raridade e uma óptima «prenda» de Natal antecipada que todos devemos oferecer a nós próprios e àqueles que nos são mais chegados. Além de que se tratará de um excelente «aperitivo» para a biografia que o meu querido amigo Renato Conteiro está à meses a elaborar e que será editada no ínicio do ano de 2006.

"My Tune"*

Jennifer Garner

Many's the time I've been mistaken
And many times confused
Yes, and often felt forsaken
And certainly misused

But I'm all right, I'm all right
I'm just weary to my bones
Still, you don't expect to be
Bright and bon vivant
So far away from home, so far away from home

And I don't know a soul who's not been battered
I don't have a friend who feels at ease
I don't own a dream that's not been shattered
or driven to its knees

But it's all right, it's all right
I’ve lived so well so long
Still, when I think of the road
I've been traveling on
I wonder where I went wrong
I can't help it, I wonder where I went wrong

But it's all right, it's all right
No one can be forever blessed
Still, tomorrow's gonna be another working day
And I'm trying to get some rest
That's all I'm trying to get some rest

*Roubado a Simon and Garfunkel

Incongruência Literária

Uma rapariga que eu conheço diz que os livros da sua vida são o "Monte dos Vendavais" e "Mrs. Dalloway". Afirma que pauta a sua vida por estas duas grandes obras da literatura inglesa. Isto não faz sentido, porque por um lado é victoriana convicta e por outro assume a atitude modernista incompatível com a anterior, uma vez que algures no ínicio do século XX faz-se o corte com o paradigma vigente durante o século XIX. Definitivamente, algo há de errado naquela cabecinha...
Sim, no mínimo é uma contradição tão grande como concordar de igual modo com as ideologias descritas no «Das Kapital" e as permissas postuladas no «Mein Kampf»...
No fundo é uma porca secular. Isto é, não tem critérios de comportamento de época.
Mais, não sabe qual é o papel que quer ter enquanto mulher inserida na presente sociedade.
Por: Sérgio de Andrade em coloboração com a Rambóia Jocosa

sexta-feira, dezembro 02, 2005


Pela primeira vez e em estreia mundial
uma criação culinária da yours truly...
'Fusilli alla Rambóia Jocosa'
Quantidade para duas pessoas:
Alho em pó
Sal Fino
Meia maçã de variedade estaladiça (Fuji, Royal Gala etc.)
Meia courgette de tamanho médio
3 a 4 chávenas de fusilli tricolor
2 a 3 salsichas de tofu (note-se que isto é um prato primordialmente vegtariano)*
100 g de cogumelos laminados
Queijo Parmesão em pó
Tempêro especial para massas
Molho Napolitano Maggi (à venda no supermercado)
*(quem não for vegetariano pode usar salsichas de porco)
Uma panela
Uma sertã
Uma colher de pau
Uma colher de sopa
Cozinhar sem ritmo não tem piada. Coloca um bom cd a tocar na tua aparelhagem. Eu escolhi este.
Corta a metade da maçã, a courgette e as salsichas em bocadinhos pequenos. Junta tudo num prato e adiciona os cogumelos.
Coloca numa panela àgua com sal fino, põe-na no fogão e espera que ferva.
Assim que a àgua estiver a ferver deita o fusilli na panela e deixa cozer as massinhas durante 8 a 9 minutos até ficar al dente. (Isto é, não demasiado cozidas.) Quando estiverem prontas retira do fogão a panela. Escorre a àgua com a ajuda de um coador e passa ao passo seguinte.
Numa sertã deita uma cama de azeite até cobrir bem o fundo. Liga o disco e põe a sertã com o azeite ao lume até estar bem quente. Polvilha o azeite com alho em pó q.b. e uma pitada de sal . Mexe com a colher de pau. Liga o exaustor, caso tenhas um. Com cuidado porque o azeite está a escaldar, despeja na sertã os bocadinhos previamente partidos de maçã, courgette, salsichas e cogumelos. Deixa ferver um bocadinho e mexe com a colher de pau. Junta à sertã a massa já cozida e mexe mais um pouco. Com a colher de sopa deita 3 colheres do molho Napolitano Maggi e mexe até estar homogeneamente distribuído. Mexe mais uns segundos e retira do lume. Distribui o conteúdo da sertã de forma igual por dois pratos de sopa. Polvilha com umas quantas pitadas do tempêro especial para massas e com queijo Parmesão em pó a gosto. E pronto! Está pronto a servir. Bom apetite!!
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